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General Coding Resources:



A free website, offering interactive courses in Python, JavaScript, HTML, Ruby, etc. Codecademy also offers many projects you can work on to further master you language of choice. It also offers a forum for each lesson and project, which you can consult for help if you are finding something difficult.



Another useful resource for learning languages (one of the best), however, unfortunately, Treehouse requires a subscription.



This website offers free online courses from top universities. While the courses are somewhat time consiming, they are high quality.



A website with all sorts of information related to learning how to code. They are promoting computer science education across the country!


Code HS

A collection of tutorials, organized by course, covering generic computer science fundamentals.


Python Specific Resources:



Probably the best website for all things Python. Here you can download Python 3.3, complete courses and challenges to expand your comprehension of Python, and view a database of every function available in each version of Python.


Google's Python Class

A series of free introductory lectures by Google, designed to acclimate prospective students to Python and teach them generic computer science basics.


Python Wiki

This is a useful resource for any questions regarding Python that you may have. It also provides links to many useful tools for Python, as well as additional resources.


Learn Python

A free interactive Python tutorial, expressing the full capabilities of Python



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